The fastest growing businesses around the world have one thing in common - a strong focus on talent. They know that the most important part of talent management is…
The longer your company remains without an optimized system of talent…
Charts of the most popular and most successful companies in the world are…
The globaly increasing life expectancy and declining natality show a clear…
HR can become a real business partner to their business and make employees…
Flexible working hours. That is the main reason why dissatisfied employees…
"Employee engagement is at or near the top of most surveys that cover the…
GE launched a project called Global New Directions that involved 21…
Do you want to more engage in talent management this year? Then make sure…
The best performing employees usually leave their employers because of…
Talent management is probably the most discussed topic among current HR…
Lack of leaders and the consequent need for programs to accelerate talent…
Essential prerequisite for successful talent management is having a process…