Human resources – HR news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon How to identify potential leaders

A variety of tools to measure the leadership potential of their people is available for companies today. Common sense, however, often disappears when they are trying…

icon Talents need to see your interest

Creating jobs is one thing, retaining quality employees is another. It is…

icon Lloyds launches corporate program for parents

The British Lloyds Banking Group has launched a new e-larning program for…

icon Study: Global companies still struggle to manage talents

Global companies are not investing enough resources in talent management…

icon Study: Develop local leadership development programs

Managers of large companies are today increasingly addressing the issue…

icon How to work with rejected applicants

During employee selection procedures, HR professionals meet many…

icon The CEO is leaving. What now?

Are you ready for the situation when the CEO of your company unexpectedly…

icon Structure of succession planning

One of the most effective ways for companies to reach productivity and…

icon Ten steps to get the best talents

Recruiting the best people for your company is indeed an art but, to a…

icon Three connected vessels of employee engagement

The concept of employee engagement includes three main areas of engagement.…

icon Most common mistakes in implementing talent management technologies

A talent management technology itself cannot make the life of HR…

icon Do not let your talents to burn out

Every company has its star employees who naturally strive to do their best…

icon 4 steps to a corporate leadership development program

Corporate leadership development program is one of the ways to develop high…

Listing 209 to 221 out of 247