Human resources – HR news

icon Study: Hard times for recruitment on social networks

Earlier this year, Universum, a company focusing on employer branding, released a four-part study entitled "2020 Outlook: The Future of Employer Branding". The…

icon Czech Republic has the second lowest unemployment rate in the EU

Unemployment in the Czech Republic continues to decline. In June, the…

icon Recruitment shame: We can't measure quality

Each function within a company measures the quality of its products or…

icon Dave Ulrich: Let's stop complaining

HR people often complain about things going wrong. They tend to evaluate…

icon Time to do away with HR?

"It's time to blow up HR and build something new. Here's how." This slogan,…

icon Study: What is the cost of dismissing employees?

The Czech Republic ranks among the three countries in Europe with the…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon A man in favour of quotas for women on boards

The idea of introducing mandatory quotas for female representation on…

icon Do you lack talent? It's your own fault

Recruiting is like fishing. You can make excuses for a lack of fish but the…

icon Modern trends in talent measurement: Psychology and the Internet

When evaluating talent for the purposes of recruitment or employee…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Study: New and emerging workplace risks in Europe

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) published the…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Study: No discrimination against women applying for a job in the Czech Republic

Are women who are expected to take maternity leave soon or are limited at…

icon Myths and facts: How to develop young talents

Do you think that the youngest generation of employees, the so-called…

icon Study: Talents want to meet managers, not recruiters

The professional social network LinkedIn announced the results of the…

Listing 222 to 234 out of 664