Human resources – HR news

icon Prague College opens up a world of experience with its annual summer school

Prague College, one of the Czech Republic's leading private universities, is delighted to announce the date of its annual Summer School which this year runs from 6th…

icon 5 steps to a functional talent community

What should recruiters know so they can build valuable talent communities…

icon How to write your recruitment budget business case

Corporate recruiters often complain that they lack the resources to try new…

icon Study: 5 million jobs to disappear by 2020

The forthcoming Fourth Industrial Revolution alongside other socio-economic…

icon Study: Good bosses can't retain good employees

It is often said that employees leave companies mainly because of bad…

icon Study: Global HR management trends in 2016

Significant changes in digital technologies, the speed of innovation and…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon How to avoid the applicants' rehearsed answers at job interviews

There are not many questions that surprise job applicants at job…

icon Leaders Driven Forum: Be Inspired by the Leadership of Future

What makes a leader? What decides who will be professionally successful?…

icon What to ask when hiring recruiters

There is a proverb saying "the shoemaker goes barefoot". Is this true in…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Hiring passive candidates: Don't be too pushy

If you want to find the really best candidates for your vacancies, don't…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Criticism of employers on social networks can backfire

Anybody who is dissatisfied with something can easily share his complaints…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Study: What jobs will come and go with digitization?

The pace of job creation and disappearance is accelerating as a result of…

icon The UK is becomming more flexible

2017 is going to be a turning point for the UK because the number of…

Listing 170 to 182 out of 664