The Dutch recruitment company Randstad announced in early August that it would buy the Monster Worldwide job portal. The final agreement on the acquisition…
HR today relies increasingly in all its phases on data and this trend is…
In the last ten years HR has tended to focus only on people’s strong…
HR today is increasingly dependent on data. Evidence can be found in the…
Women recruited to Google in 2015 were given 30% more money than men in…
Successful recruitment requires discipline. You should know the specific…
There are approximately 53,000 professional coaches worldwide, 90% of whom…
The principal advantage of using learning management systems (LMS) in…
Twenty million people are running around the world looking at the screens…
Twitter is a social network based on short posts, called tweets, …
Cognitive bias is a term used in psychology which refers to unconscious…
90% of people who have a profile on the LinkedIn social network are open to…
Companies are investing more in employer branding efforts and making big…