Human resources – HR news

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icon How to convince top management that a company social network is a good idea

Would you like to implement an internal social network in your company, but your companys top management does not like the idea? Then read the following tips brought…

Make your Human Resources more human

icon Make your Human Resources more human

What to do when you begin to feel in your HR department like in a cage…

icon Lloyds launches corporate program for parents

The British Lloyds Banking Group has launched a new e-larning program for…

icon How to motivate employees to recommend new employees

Recruiters already know that if they want to get quality employees, it is…

Michal Martoch

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Why do we use a company social network? To communicate better

"Social network in the company? We have Yammer." This is how the vast…

icon Still waters run deep

Silent people are often victims of misunderstandings of their colleagues…

icon Etiquette of internal communication via IM

Instant messaging (IM) is now a common way of communicating in companies…

icon Why does implementing social media for internal communication fail?

A huge number of social media solutions for internal communication in…

icon What to ask during stay interviews?

Besides job interviews, exit interviews are increasingly taking place in…

icon How to manage a presentation for top managers

Top managers are very demanding audience. They are impatient because they…

icon What do you clients think but will not tell you?

HR professional is not a know-it-all and even with the best efforts he…

icon Negotiation fundamentals for HR people

HR staff need to be able to negotiate well to convince management of their…

Michal Martoch, konzultant společnosti WorklineSluž,

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Want to be in? Get your internal social network

Internal social networks are becoming more and more popular in companies.…

Listing 66 to 78 out of 127