Human resources – HR news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon A lesson in presentation skills for HR professionals

HR professionals need excellent presentation skills to perform their job. These skills help them not only to promote their ideas, and  themselves, thus increasing…

icon 7 steps to successful onboarding of top managers

An onboarding strategy for top managers is an action plan to present your…

icon Where do you build your employer brand?

You have defined the values of your employer brand as well as the brand…

icon Unnecessary mistakes in employee surveys

One of the typical tasks of HR professionals is running periodic surveys…

icon HR and depression in the workplace

In a recent article about mental health in the workplace, we wrote about…

icon 5 tips to promote mental health in the workplace

Mental health is currently one of the most serious health issues in the…

icon Trends in internal communications

What are the current trends in internal communications? Answers to this…

icon Onboarding: a communication plan for the first six months

The way a company communicates with new employees through its HR in the…

icon How to improve your employee refererral program

You have implemented a reward program for your employees for recommending…

icon How to provide feedback to job applicants

Today, the majority of companies have no formal process of providing…

icon Exit interview in eight steps

Exit interviews do not rank among the most popular activities of HR…

icon 5 tips for better cooperation between different generations

Improving cooperation between different generations of employees is a…

icon 5 daily questions about employee engagement

Most articles about the topic of increasing employee engagement focus on…

Listing 40 to 52 out of 127