Human resources – HR news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Virgin surpassed Google and Facebook: Year of paid parental leave for both mothers and fathers

Richard Branson, British billionaire and owner of the Virgin brand - which includes hundreds of companies, including the recording company Virgin Records and Virgin…

icon The year 2015 in corporate communication: The most important trends 3/3

There will be attempts to combine various applications into one powerful…

icon The year 2015 in corporate communication: The most important trends 2/3

Companies will try to humanize themselves and use authentic employees and…

icon The year 2015 in corporate communication: The most important trends (1/3)

Every manager must be an effective communicator, and digital collaboration…

icon An employee handbook need not be boring

Although an employee handbook essentially is a manual on how to behave in a…

icon Do not use video only in advertising and training

Video has become a standard marketing tool that helps promote brands and…

icon Internal communication: 4 steps to increase employee engagement

Your company has a high turnover and high levels of absenteeism. Your staff…

icon 14 faces of internal training

Internal employee development has several advantages in comparison to…

icon Improve your employee referral programme

Are you still seeking the source of the best potential employees? Now you…

icon 10 difficulties in 360-degree feedback (part 2/2)

In the first part of the article on the problems that can occur in 360-…

icon 10 difficulties in 360-degree feedback (part 1/2)

The purpose of 360-degree feedback is for employees to be evaluated not…

icon Teach managers to cooperate better on recruitment

Why does recruiting take so long and why don't we hire the best people for…

icon How to make HR people crazy

Even HR professionals are just human beings who are trying to do their job…

Listing 27 to 39 out of 127