Human resources – HR news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon 10 practical tips for moving to work abroad

Have you got an offer to work abroad or do you send your employees abroad? Then you may find useful the ecommendations of the Expat Info Desk website designed for…

icon Myths of 360-degree feedback

Implementing the process of 360-degree feedback is a challenging project…

icon How to start with internal recruitment

Internal recruitment saves time and money companies would otherwise invest…

Magda Chvalinová, INSIDERS

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Steps for managers to get rid of constant stress - Part 3

V prvním díle tohoto seriálu jsme odhalili, že zahlcená emailová schránka…

icon Liven up your employee engagement surveys

As the last quarter of the year approaches, HR departments are beginning to…

icon Habitual mistakes made in employee surveys

If you want to find out in employee surveys what your people really think,…

icon Senior management's communication with employees as a talent management tool

There are many techniques for increasing employee engagement. One of the…

icon 4 steps to more effective performance interviews

Regular discussions on employee performance represent a very valuable tool…

icon How to manage remote employees' behaviour

A team composed of workers who do not meet each other in person is…

icon Companies in the Czech Republic are developing programs for parents

Recent Eurostat statistics indicate that the nubmer of employed women in…

icon How is your internal communication working?

Most companies are very active in communicating with customers, investors,…

icon When are your people lying to you?

Most bosses are trying to instill the principle of truthfulness in their…

Konference "Nový svět firemní spolupráce: SOCIAL BUSINESS"

In-house social network to support corporate creativity

IBM Connections is a social software for open information sharing in a…

Listing 79 to 91 out of 127