Human resources – HR news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon HR professionals must also be project managers

Knowledge of project management is not only important for IT and other kinds of technical experts. It may benefit everyone involved in projects, including HR…

icon Diversity recruitment: Are you doing everything wrong? (2/2)

A strong business case, decisions based on measurable data, targeting…

icon Does a new manager mean new troubles?

When a new manager is promoted into a position, he can encounter huge…

icon How to manage diversity

The English word "diversity" is most often translated into Czech as "…

icon How to manage an interim manager properly

You need to fill an important managerial vacancy, but there is no suitable…

icon Study: 7 Steps to greater employee engagement

The last year's Gallup study entitled State of the Global Workplace, which…

icon UK extends the right to request flexible working

One of the most frequently discussed issues in today's human resources…

icon French employees legally allowed to turn off work e-mails

"C'est la vie", "Oh la la!" or even "Vive la France". Headlines containing…

icon Dangerous biases in HR

When processing information, the human brain creates certain shortcuts in…

icon Study: Impact of office design on employee sick leave

Office designers are more responsible for spreading disease in workplaces…

icon Caring about the emotional culture of your company

Enough has already been written about the importance of corporate culture.…

icon Advantages of working for a start-up, in comparison to a large company

Start-ups cannot compete with large firms for the best talent. That is at…

icon HR and technology in 2014

In recent years, modern technology has played an important role in…

Listing 144 to 156 out of 246