The law on sharing maternity leave, the so-called Shared Parental Leave Regulations 2014, came into force in the United Kingdom on 1st December 2014. Both couples…
We can see cases of overqualified workers or job seekers all around us. For…
A lot has been written about the benefits of flexible working, both for…
A good HR department does not rely on money or other resources provided by…
We have recently published several articles on the growing number of people…
British billionaire and owner of the Virgin brand - which includes hundreds…
Why does recruiting take so long and why don't we hire the best people for…
The phrase "employee engagement" sounds a little bit pejorative when…
You have completed the first round of a job interview and selected the best…
Even HR professionals are just human beings who are trying to do their job…
People become real leaders through experience when they learn to increase…
Employees do not like HR departments for different reasons. Some of the…
Peter Boolkah has worked with hundreds of successful companies all over the…