Human resources – HR news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Study: Women, men and working conditions in Europe

Access to the labor market, the structure of jobs and related working conditions. These are the main areas in which inequality between the sexes in Europe has…

icon Why do call center employees leave?

High staff turnover is one of the traditional problems of call centers.…

icon Dell plans to let half of its employees work remotely

While Yahoo or Hewlett Packard are moving thousands of their employees from…

icon Is yor company managed by fear?

Fear is a reliable killer of corporate culture. It slows down the operation…

icon Do you have what it takes to become a CHRO?

Is it your career goal to become the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)…

icon Tips for scheduling work in call centres

Scheduling the work of agents is a key prerequisite for the successful…

icon Study: What causes employee depression?

Many people think that the main cause of employees' poor mental state,…

icon Ten commandments of employee engagement for your managers

Although the combination of words "employee engagement" is somewhat…

icon The most important skills of HR Managers

Which skills can an HR manager not do without if he wants to be successful?…

icon Study: Forget about "superhero" leaders

For decades, companies have been trying to find a "perfect leader."…

icon 5 tips for better cooperation between different generations

Improving cooperation between different generations of employees is a…

icon Obstacles to leadership development

Leadership development has been one of the key strategic interests of…

icon What does "social HR" really mean?

Magazines, websites as well as conferences focused on human resources…

Listing 157 to 169 out of 246