Human resources – HR news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Practical tips for returning to work after maternity leave

Returning to work after maternity leave involves sadness and guilt, but also relief and anticipation of new experiences. Mothers must quickly adapt not only to the…

icon HR business partner: More partner than HR

The HR Business Partner position has recently appeared on the business…

icon Which employees should work from home?

The Yahoo's recent decision to end the possibility of employees to work…

icon Yahoo bans working form home

Yahoo's CEO Marissa Mayer decided to end the existing practice when…

icon Every manager must know how to manage people

Once an employee becomes a manager, he stops to be responsible only for his…

icon Guide to employee disengagement

HR professionals are increasingly asking themselves how to achieve greater…

icon Money, or Life? Review of a book on freedom at work

Peníze, nebo život? - Jak přestat vydělávat na život a začít i v práci žít?…

icon Managers are the key to employee engagement

Increasing employee engagement may not be as big deal as it seems at first…

icon Study: New European Executive

The economic and political uncertainty of recent years has had a major…

icon How are your managers destroying employee morale?

Good employee morale can be maintained only in an environment where…

icon Study: The leadership gene exists. It is called rs4950

A revolutionary answer to the question of whether people are already born…

icon What do employees want to know?

Are you needlessly losing good employees? If you are asking yourself this…

icon Office workers don't have to just sit

Office workers can do a lot for their health when they get up from the…

Listing 170 to 182 out of 246