Human resources – HR news

icon A decade of changes in HR (2/2)

The world of work is changing rapidly. Over the last decade, it has experienced the economic crisis, the rapid development of technologies or the emergence of a new…

icon A decade of changes in HR (1/2)

The world of work in the last decade has been shaped by the economic…

Facebook Willow Campus. Photo:

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Facebook plans to accommodate employees

Dissatisfied with the lack of infrastructure in Silicon Valley, Facebook is…

Google Hire

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Google Hire enters the market

On Tuesday 18 July 2017, Google officially launched its new service called…

icon LinkedIn to launch virtual mentoring

Are you looking for a mentor who would help you find answers to questions…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Let robots screen your candidates

Candidate screening is one of the most demanding and least favorite tasks…

icon 6 steps to making work not suck

Work sucks! This was the title of the speech Laszlo Bock, former Vice-…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Having a booth at a job fair is not enough

Job and career fairs represent a traditional way to reach out to potential…

Jochen Bessemans, HR Tech Valley

icon Thalento workshop in Prague and Bratislava: A new generation of HR technologies

Technology is dramatically changing the nature of work with people in…

icon There are almost no big data in HR. Learn to use the small data

So-called big data is a term used for extensive data sets that cannot be…

Walmart: Virtual Reality Debuts in Associate Training. Photo:

icon Put on your glasses and start learning

Walmart, the world's largest retail chain of discount stores, is offering…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Ten commandments of an employer brand (2/2)

In the first part of the article, we explained that an employer brand is…

SAP Location St. Leon-Rot, Germany: Data Center

icon Job offers in SAP Services are newly prepared by robots

SAP Services has automated the creation of job offers across different…

Listing 92 to 104 out of 664