Human resources – HR news

Článek v rámci předplatného icon LinkedIn: The most common clichés in online CVs in 2017

The number of users of the professional social network LinkedIn surpassed 500 million in 2017. They represent more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. The…

DHL Supply Chain

icon DHL Supply Chain certified as Top Employer in five countries

The renowned Top Employer Institute has awarded its certification to DHL…

icon E-learning in 2018 (2/2): Social networks and virtual reality

The main trends in corporate e-learning that we can expect in 2018 include…

icon E-learning in 2018 (1/2): Microlearning and gamification

The corporate e-learning market has been growing very quickly. Thanks to…

icon Can your recruitment manage your business growth?

At the beginning of the year, companies usually launch plans to achieve…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Video for recruitment purposes: When, Where, How, Why

There is no need to discuss the strength of audiovisual content in…

icon LinkedIn's Global Recruiting Trends for 2018

Recruitment of talents nowadays has a highly transactional character.…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon No need for employees in modern self-service shops

One may add: "And shop assistants will have nothing to eat." Imagine a…

icon 4 steps towards stronger internal communication

Internal communication helps companies succeed. However, it must bring…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Corporate parties: How to prevent hangovers and lawsuits

The season of Christmas parties is in full swing, but fun has its limits.…

Louise Evans on HR tv: Learn how to communicate effectively using the unique Five-Chairs method

icon Louise Evans on HR tv: Learn how to communicate effectively using the unique Five-Chairs method

Louise Evans is a British lecturer, coach and author of the original…

icon GDPR: 5 priorities from the perspective of HR and employee data

Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and EU Council, also known…

icon LinkedIn launches career advice on a large scale

The LinkedIn social network doesn't want to be just a place where people…

Listing 66 to 78 out of 664