Human resources – HR news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon A breakthrough agreement on wages and working time in industrial companies

There has been a major breakthrough in flexible work in Europe. The largest German trade union IG Metall and employers in the metal industry, and electrotechnicians…

icon 7 steps to a more effective cooperation of managers and recruiters

Recruiters often struggle with managers who want the best people, but don't…

icon L&D practitioners: What works in Silicon Valley

Startups needs strong leadership. That means that developing these…

icon A company where employees are hired and fired by colleagues

The German internet telephone services provider Sipgate based in Düsseldorf…

icon Microsoft extends family leave benefits

Twenty weeks of fully paid maternity leave for mothers after the birth of a…

icon Employee chipping continues

It's neither science fiction nor a conspiracy theory. The number of…

icon Giving feedback: check-in with Adobe

Ideally, employees would need feedback on a regular basis but many managers…

icon A decade of changes in HR (2/2)

The world of work is changing rapidly. Over the last decade, it has…

icon Business stands and falls with culture

Current trends may create the impression that a strong corporate culture is…

icon Self-employment and family life: the UK experience

Altogether 20% of people related to someone who is self-employed feel…

icon What you should know before making important decisions

Rozhodnout v klíčových situacích, které mohou citelně ovlivnit vaši práci…

icon Coming soon: Home office in the Czech Labour Code

Working from home, also known as home office, has become increasingly…

David Meier in HR tv: How to develop deep understanding

icon David Meier in HR tv: How to develop deep understanding

David Meier is a U.S. expert on labor productivity. He gave an interview on…

Listing 92 to 104 out of 246