Human resources – HR news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Can HR be agile?

The concept of agile HR is based on the popular concept of agile software development, the programming methodology which is aimed at rapid delivery of high-quality…

icon Career management Michelin style

"Paternalistic" approach to career management giving employees a very…

icon 20 mistakes of HR metrics

At least in the last decade, HR departments in companies around the world…

icon What does HR transformation involve?

What specifically does HR transformation mean, what problems does it…

icon European HR Barometer 2012

The seventh annual Aon Hewitt's study called HR Barometer showed that…

5 steps to optimize your talent management system

icon 5 steps to optimize your talent management system

The longer your company remains without an optimized system of talent…

icon The more financial terms you know, the better HR professional you are

The need for close cooperation of HR and finance is one of the hottest…

As can HR and finance teach each other?

icon As can HR and finance teach each other?

As a result of the economic crisis, some HR managers who had previously…

Pillars of a global recruitment strategy

icon Pillars of a global recruitment strategy

The way companies can cope with global recruitment strategy in the ongoing…

icon 10 questions to find the right HR metrics

If HR professionals want to actively participate in the strategy of their…

icon Requirements for success in the HRBP role

More and more companies are passing through the transformation of HR when…

icon What should everyone in HR know?

Many HR professionals still complain that they are not taken seriously in…

icon Best practices in workforce analytics

The increasing complexity of today's workforce, new technologies, stronger…

Listing 235 to 247 out of 257