Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Customer experience ? how to keep an emotional bond with the customer. Corporations are puzzled (2)

Most large companies have lost the ability to build an emotional connection between the customer and its brand. In the first part of this topic I argue that…

What should you ask your employees?

Is there something missing in your team? Is it motivation, effective…

3 tips on how to effectively manage multiple projects at once

Managing several projects at the same time can be tough. On the other hand,…

Interns in your team: Does this have to be a necessary evil?

Summer is here and a half of your team is on vacation. You are trying to…

What to do when a group meeting is not enough

Beginning working together on a project is not just when everyone starts…

How does a great leader differ from the average?

How does a great leader differ from the average?

What is the difference between an average manager and a great manager? Some…

Beware of unnecessary mistakes in a new job

Beware of unnecessary mistakes in a new job

When starting a new job, people are trying to make a good impression and to…

Why do your colleagues not like you?

Is it just a silly popularity contest? Are you popular among your…

How to survive a boss with unrealistic demands

Each job is sometimes demanding. However, if your boss is overly demanding…

Are you really a team player?

Most people say they are good team players. In fact, however, all of us…

How to learn from a failed project

Managers responsible for failed projects naturally tend to pass their…

Inspiration for anti-bribery training

Are your employees facing an increased risk of corruption? Then you…

Guy Kawasaki: If you want to speak, you must have something to say

A recent Guy Kawasaki's article entitled "How to Get a Standing Ovation"…

Listing 2822 to 2834 out of 3343