Manager – management news

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5 steps to a healthy brain and a better career

The findings of contemporary neuroscience now show that the human brain is not sentenced to deteriorate with age. The gray matter can regenerate and create new…

LinkedIn's CEO on keeping e-mail under control

If you want to receive fewer e-mails, write fewer e-mails. This is the…

How to conduct coaching dialogues with employees

How to conduct coaching dialogues with employees

The so-called coaching approach to managing people is a common part of…

How appreciation can encourage innovation

Appreciative Inquiry is the method of introduction of organizational…

When a new boss arrives

Most people do not work under only one boss for long. Bosses come and go…

How to gain popularity and respect of your colleagues

It is great for every office when there is a person who can make others'…

Richard Páleník

The sad state of customer orientation in the developed world

Firms – even those in the developed world – are increasingly losing their…

What nobody advises women in leadership?

The need for equal representation of men and women in leadership positions…

Exceptional bosses care about their people

A good boss is a good organizer, he knows how to make decisions and how to…

How to fit into a new work team

Have you hired a new employee whose skills and experience match the…

Summer tips for your career advancement

Summer does not bring only vacations, but also many opportunities to…

How to survive a lazy colleague

Everyone sometimes works with a colleague who spends most of his work time…

How to beat your Monday blues

Monday is approaching and you feel that you lack enthusiasm and motivation…

Listing 2796 to 2808 out of 3343