Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Do not avoid difficult conversations

While at work, everybody has to address difficult conversations with his colleagues, subordinates or even superiors. Whether the conversations relate to work issues…

Don't ignore exhaustion among your subordinates

Don't ignore exhaustion among your subordinates

Every manager wants his subordinates to work hard. But this makes it all…

Not everybody has a leadership potential

Many management articles say that almost everybody has the potential to…

How do others perceive you at work?

Quality of work is unfortunately not the only criterion by which we are…

Are you really productive?

Are you really productive?

Just because you work from morning till night does not mean that you are…

Three tips for a more productive summer

The summer weather has finally come to our country. Employees' dreams about…

A Little Bit of Positive Feedback Revision

Is it really so easy to praise people for their good work as everybody…

Richard Páleník

Customer experience - how to keep an emotional bond with the customer. Corporations are puzzled

How to get a real and long-term customer loyalty? Why is it fading away?…

Three tips to develop leaders in your team

When managing the daily tasks, managers often have no time left to promote…

Even a bad boss can teach you a lot

Most people will encounter a bad boss at some stage in their careers. If…

Sources of wasting corporate time

Most employees know what hinders the productivity in the company. But the…

Do you really deserve a pay raise?

Do you feel that you deserve a pay raise, but your boss does probably not…

Mentoring is more than advice

Most managers who have reached the highest positions in their careers would…

Listing 2848 to 2860 out of 3342