Burnout syndrome is a very serious condition that puts at risk not only the work performance and motivation of an employee, but also their health. A burnt-out…
Many employers still have a problem devoting a larger portion of their…
Setting up any new system has both advantages and challenges. On the one…
"Generation Z" is the generation that comes after millennials and consists…
For many reasons it is advisable to choose a new leader from the ranks of…
Resources and time invested into retention of the current workforce will…
Retaining top employees is a key task of management and the HR department.…
Some employees are absent from work more than necessary, taking sick days…
There is a rule in sales that the results of a sales rep are directly…
While it may still be the dream of many an employer to hire workaholics,…
If you ask managers and HR specialists what keeps employees at work and…
One of the main aims of HR departments is to establish internal company…
Millennials, also known as "Generation Y", are young people born between…