Which HR function has the highest impact on the two key measures of success of companies - revenue growth and profit margins? That's the question asked by the…
A talent management technology itself cannot make the life of HR…
IBM announced its plans to acquire Kenexa, producer of cloud applications…
Diversity is a basic quality of systems expressing variedness of their…
Most people in the Czech Republic receive non-financial benefits in…
The average monthly salary in the Czech Republic is 26,008 Czech crowns.…
Minulý týden jsme rozebrali výsledky studie Email Perception Study 2012, ze…
Recruiters and other HR professionals using the LinkedIn social network…
The above-standard employee benefits at Google are well-known all over the…
In June 2012, Hays recruitment agency addressed Czech ICT specialists from…
Companies with high expertise in key HR practices achieve up to 3.5 times…
On August 1, 2012, the Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed an amendment to…
The productivity of European workers has reached its lowest point for five…