Human resources – HR news

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Study: Unemployment is growing yet there is still not enough talent

Even though most countries are currently battling increasing unemployment, they are also facing long-term shortages in certain professions. The main causes are the…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon What to pay attention to internal recruitment?

Although it may seem vice versa at first glance, internal recruitment is as…

PhDr. Vojtěch Bednář

icon When employees are helpless like children...

Imagine a manager complaining: "Look, I am here from dawn to dusk. I do not…

icon Nobody wants education as a benefit

Employee satisfaction is increasingly depending on whether employers offer…

icon Marshall Goldsmith on coaching for behavioral change

In the middle of this year, the third edition of the successful book titled…

icon Enhance your career site

How user-friendly and informationally valuable is the part of your company'…

icon What should line managers know about HR?

Do you as an HR professional encounter line managers' misunderstandings of…

icon Study: How old are your people?

Age is a much more complex issue than just a look in a birth certificate.…

icon Study: Develop local leadership development programs

Managers of large companies are today increasingly addressing the issue…

Michal Martoch

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Why do we use a company social network? To communicate better

"Social network in the company? We have Yammer." This is how the vast…

icon 57% of job offers in the Czech Republic require knowledge of English

Three out of five (57%) job ads on the Czech labour portal…

icon Comparison of salaries in the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic and Hungary

Where it pays to work if someone wants to earn good money? In which sectors…

icon Why does implementing social media for internal communication fail?

A huge number of social media solutions for internal communication in…

Listing 469 to 481 out of 665