Human resources – HR news

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Study: Global trends in recruiting managers and professionals (July 2012)

The global labour market for managers and professionals remains stable. That is according to the Global Snapshot study by the recruitment company Antal International…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Leadership as a service

The so-called Servant Leadership (leadership as a service) is the concept…

icon How to use LinkedIn when entering a new job

The LinkedIn social network can be beneficial not only to find a new job…

Magda Chvalinová, INSIDERS

Článek v rámci předplatného icon 3 steps for managers to get rid of constant stress

Manažeři trpí zahlcením informacemi a to jim bere velkou část času a…

icon Dave Ulrich's new book - HR from the Outside In

One of the most influential personalities in the field of HR - author of…

icon Ten steps to prove return on investment in employee training

HR professionals face the requirement to express the benefits of their…

Ing. Zdenka Vostrovská, CSc., 1. VOX a.s, předsedkyně představenstva

icon Why do I have more women in my team?

Vše jako by nasvědčovalo tomu, že ruku v ruce s vývojem doby jsou lidé…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Will the Facebook job board put LinkedIn at risk?

At the beginning of July, media all around the world brought the…

icon Study: Eurozone job crisis

Unemployment in the Eurozone will rise from the current 17.4 million to 22…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Ho to deal with obnoxious HR clients

Do you as a representative of HR in your company have a client from senior…

icon Study: There is no typical female leadership style

Women in leading positions do not have their own leadership style, they…

icon Facebook to launch its own job board

Facebook is going to start publishing job offers this very summer, the Wall…

Listing 508 to 520 out of 664