Human resources – HR news

icon Study: What do CEOs and CFOs think about HR?

To which extent HR leaders are helping to strengthen the growth of their organizations and what relationship they have with c-level executives. These are the…

icon Study: The state of balancing work and family life in the Czech Republic

The Czech Network of Mother Centres carried out an extensive survey among…

icon Money, or Life? Review of a book on freedom at work

Peníze, nebo život? - Jak přestat vydělávat na život a začít i v práci žít?…

icon Study: Work stress does not cause cancer

Previous research of possible links between work-related stress and cancer…

icon Study: Key competences for global leadership

Global organizations need global leaders who will be able to lead across…

icon SHRM: Challenges for HR and talent management in the next 10 years

What challenges will HR managers face in the next ten years? This question…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Study: Global employment trends in 2013

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) released a comprehensive report…

icon Job Search - traditional vs. online

Hays Czech Republic conducted a survey among job applicants to find out…

Vladimír Homola

Článek v rámci předplatného icon How to increase production productivity based on higher employee engagement

Imagine that you produce shoes for the world-leading brands Adidas and…

icon Study: New European Executive

The economic and political uncertainty of recent years has had a major…

icon Study: Number of women in top management of German companies rising slightly

At the end of 2012, women accounted for 4% of executive board members and…

2012: Most companies looked for qualified technical staff

icon 2012: Most companies looked for qualified technical staff

Qualified technical staff (32%) followed by qualified non-technical staff…

icon Study: The leadership gene exists. It is called rs4950

A revolutionary answer to the question of whether people are already born…

Listing 430 to 442 out of 664