Human resources – HR news

icon LinkedIn introduces a new algorithm for recommending potential employees

Professional social network LinkedIn announced changes in its application for recruiters called Recruiter. In addition to a new graphic design, Recruiter includes a…

icon How to stop undermining the reputation of HR

People working in HR still face the not so good reputation of the field.…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon How not to get fired from an HR department - Part 2/2

Alan Collins, former HR Director of PepsiCo and author of popular HR books,…

icon How not to get fired from an HR department - Part 1/2

Even if it is you who decide on employee dismissals in your company, you…

icon Stephen Covey's Seven Habits in the practice of recruiters

A good recruiter should try to find the best possible candidates for vacant…

The number of previous employments in Czech CVs decreases

icon The number of previous employments in Czech CVs decreases

Contemporary economic situation has a considerable impact on the labour…

icon 6 steps to start a career in HR

Do you want to start a career in HR and don't know how to do it? Then read…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Czech Automotive Industry in 2012: Wages and employment numbers

In 2012, the number of workers in the Czech automotive industry remained at…

What do LinkedIn Endorsements speak about?

icon What do LinkedIn Endorsements speak about?

If you have a profile on LinkedIn professional social network you have…

icon Study: Actual salaries of (not only) HR professionals in the Czech Republic

Hays Czech Republic published its annual Salary Survey. It is an overview…

icon Comparison: Average salaries of secondary school graduates in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

According to the research of salaries and benefits performed by,…

icon Balance is not only for parents

The need to search for a work-life balance is mostly mentioned in relation…

icon Yahoo bans working form home

Yahoo's CEO Marissa Mayer decided to end the existing practice when…

Listing 417 to 429 out of 664