Human resources – HR news

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icon 5 tips to promote mental health in the workplace

Mental health is currently one of the most serious health issues in the world. A recent study published by the BBC concluded that depression is the second most…

icon Study: What causes employee depression?

Many people think that the main cause of employees' poor mental state,…

icon Britain to ban smoking in prisons

No smoking in workplaces and enclosed public places has been in force in…

icon Summer tips for increasing employee motivation in call centers

 Call centers are hot in winter, let alone in the middle of summer. As the…

icon Study: Both Europeans and Czechs are stressed by job insecurity

Job insecurity or reorganization is the most common cause of work-related…

icon Study: Work stress does not cause cancer

Previous research of possible links between work-related stress and cancer…

icon Brian Tracy: Practical tips on how to overcome fear

If we want to be happier and more successful in life, we have to learn to…

icon Office workers don't have to just sit

Office workers can do a lot for their health when they get up from the…

icon 6 tips to prevent flu in the workplace

An influenza epidemic has entered the Czech Republic. It is, therefore,…

icon Trends in OHS management for 2013

The coming year will bring safety managers a mix of good old challenges…

icon Principles of the prevention of bullying in the workplace

Bullying in the workplace can take many forms - from constant criticism,…

icon Introversion is not a disease

Many people, especially extroverts, have distorted ideas about introverts.…

icon How to avoid flu at work

The flu season is approaching and therefore it is high time to recall the…

Listing 40 to 52 out of 65