Human resources – HR news

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icon Tips for a healthier and more productive sedentary job

Although studies show that we should enjoy a ten minute break every one hour of work to maintain optimum performance, it is often not possible in practice. Read some…

icon Tips for promoting healthy eating in the workplace

Poor eating habits during working days greatly contribute to obesity.…

icon "Stress is everywhere" and other myths about stress

You have surely read, heard and experienced much in connection with stress.…

icon Study: Longer sleep during the weekend makes you even more sleepy

Do you enjoy sleeping longer at weekends? Do you feel that you have to…

icon Study: Working before birth as bad as smoking

Children of women who work in the ninth month of pregnancy weigh about 230…

icon Epilepsy in the Workplace - A Practical Guide

More than 50 million people worldwide suffer from epilepsy making it the…

icon 5 tips for stressed recruiters

Working as a recruiter can be very stressful if you do not plan your work…

icon Smoke-Free Workplaces campaign launched

Smoke-Free Workplaces. This is the name of a new campaign by the European…

icon Study: Most Europeans expect more work-related stress

Most European workers struggle with the increasing levels of work-related…

Study: Every third employee does not feel psychologically safe at work

icon Study: Every third employee does not feel psychologically safe at work

Employers should focus more on the mental health of their employees. This…

Study: Workaholism not detrimental to employee health

icon Study: Workaholism not detrimental to employee health

If you love your job, workaholism will not hurt you. Moreover, it will…

icon Czech employers no longer to fill out reports on sick leave for illness or injury

Half-year surveys of the Czech Statistical Office reagarding sick leave for…

Even the work on PC requires proper posture

icon Even the work on PC requires proper posture

Employees spending most of their working hours sitting at the computer…

Listing 53 to 65 out of 65