Human resources – HR news

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icon Why do employees hate their jobs?

Everybody sometimes hates their job. So if your employees do not show every day how much they love their work, there is no need to panic. On the other hand, even if…

icon Tips for coaching beginners: How to get rid of uncertainty

Today we have a question for coaches: How much do you believe in yourself?…

icon Technology companies search for autistic employees

The definition of autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by…

icon Study: New and emerging workplace risks in Europe

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) published the…

icon Mental disorders in the workplace: Should we fear them?

Stigma, taboos, fear, all still surround mental disorders. Nevertheless,…

icon EU law: Obesity can be considered a disability

The European Court of Justice pronounced a breakthrough judgment in the…

icon EU-OSHA e-guide: Managing stress and psychosocial risks at work

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) launched its…

icon Study: Depressed employees should continue working

We have recently published several articles on the growing number of people…

icon Study: You should rather commute on foot or by bike

Do you commute to work by car? Then you should know that, walking or…

icon How to mitigate the effects of the hot summer weather

The Czech National Institute of Health published some practical pieces of…

icon French employees legally allowed to turn off work e-mails

"C'est la vie", "Oh la la!" or even "Vive la France". Headlines containing…

icon Study: Impact of office design on employee sick leave

Office designers are more responsible for spreading disease in workplaces…

icon HR and depression in the workplace

In a recent article about mental health in the workplace, we wrote about…

Listing 27 to 39 out of 65