Human resources – HR news

Článek v rámci předplatného icon More Czech men involved in child care

The number of men on parental leave (who are entitled to take maternity benefits*) has increased in the Czech Republic. Data from the Czech Social Security…

icon Study: Global HR management trends 2015

Employee engagement is the biggest HR challenge companies are currently…

icon CSR: Take it seriously, or fail

The definition of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a voluntary…

icon How to lose the interest of top job candidates in 7 steps

Thinking of candidates for important positions as part of your organization…

icon Dress code and other "little big" changes in the style of General Motors

At the end of 2013, Mary Barra became CEO of the largest US car maker…

icon An employee handbook need not be boring

Although an employee handbook essentially is a manual on how to behave in a…

icon Laszlo Bock: Work Rules!

Laszlo Bock, Google's Senior Vice President of People Operations, has just…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Vodafone launches global maternity policy

The British telecommunication group Vodafone is introducing a global…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Teach managers how to conduct job interviews

When enthusiastic candidates with excellent qualifications  attend job…

icon Do not use video only in advertising and training

Video has become a standard marketing tool that helps promote brands and…

icon Study: How to integrate employee development and volunteering

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), a professional…

icon Want the best employees? Search for optimists

Good employees don't have to know and understand everything, but should be…

icon Test: Are you an employer of choice?

An employer of choice is an employer whose working conditions and culture…

Listing 105 to 117 out of 249