Human resources – HR news

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icon Training should be seen as a profit centre: Calculating training ROI (2/2)

The previous article listed five levels which Jack Phillips (author of over 20 books on ROI) considers important when evaluating a training course. A chain of impact…

icon Prague College opens up a world of experience with its annual summer school

Prague College, one of the Czech Republic's leading private universities,…

icon Training should be seen as a profit centre: Calculating training ROI (1/2)

Most executives intuitively know that training has its value but few MBA…

icon Marshall Goldsmith advises on how to succeed as a coach

The most important skill of every coach is the ability to overcome your own…

icon Yesterday was too late for hiring your life coach

You want to achieve or change something in your life. You have already…

icon Massive open online courses: The future of corporate training?

The popularity of massive open online courses (MOOC) has been growing in…

icon What moves the world of e-learning?

The global e-learning market is growing rapidly. Within five years, it…

icon Microlearning: A new trend in online education comes to companies

Imagine the difference between spending an entire hour watching a video…

icon Modern technology in corporate training: Trends for 2016

2016 will see companies further utilizing the wide potential of the…

icon Employee training in 2016: Flexibility, entertainment and the internet

Even if the economic situation of companies improves, L&D departments…

icon Study: Skills mismatches in the Czech Republic

The skills taught by an educational system may not match the skills…

icon Recommendation for agreements between employers and students in the Czech Republic

Based on the requirements of employers, represented by the Confederation of…

icon The bell tolls for competency models

The era of the traditional annual performance evaluation is coming to an…

Listing 92 to 104 out of 274