Human resources – HR news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon HR Live: How to implement and develop internal coaching

Internal coaching can save big money for external coaches. But how does a company recognize its need for an internal coach? Whom to choose for this position? How to…

icon Save on purchasing education on the internet

Offering a cheaper alternative to HR proffessionals seeking training for…

Tomáš Barčík, MBA profesionální kouč, člen ICF

icon Responsibility of an external coach in the process of coaching corporate employees

The International Coaching Week (ICW, 5. - 11. February, 2012), organized…

icon Guide to coaching from A to Z

Anyone who can listen, show empathy, shar his knowledge and ask questions…

icon MIT launches a program of technical e-courses for free

One of the top-rated universities in the world - Massachusetts Institute of…

icon Largest global coaching study published

The International Coach Federation (ICF) published the results of a…

Jaroslava Výborná, S-COMP Centre CZ s.r.o.

icon Trainer as an educational institution's capital

"How many snakes have you put to sleep?" Have you ever wanted to ask your…

icon Corporate education: The latest may not be the best

New and new trends are emerging in the area of corporate education.…

icon Salespeople training specifics

How many times have you told yourself that salespeople are simply…

6 steps to effective sales training

icon 6 steps to effective sales training

The sales environment has experienced major changes in recent years.…

Tomáš Barčík, MBA profesionální kouč, člen ICF

icon Role of an external coach in the process of talent management

Talent management is probably the most discussed topic among current HR…

icon 20 tips to boost your HR career in 2012

The time of New Year's resolutions including career goals for the coming…

10 myths about coaching

icon 10 myths about coaching

Coaching is currently one of the most popular methods of employee…

Listing 248 to 260 out of 274