Internal coaching can save big money for external coaches. But how does a company recognize its need for an internal coach? Whom to choose for this position? How to…
Offering a cheaper alternative to HR proffessionals seeking training for…
The International Coaching Week (ICW, 5. - 11. February, 2012), organized…
Anyone who can listen, show empathy, shar his knowledge and ask questions…
One of the top-rated universities in the world - Massachusetts Institute of…
The International Coach Federation (ICF) published the results of a…
"How many snakes have you put to sleep?" Have you ever wanted to ask your…
New and new trends are emerging in the area of corporate education.…
How many times have you told yourself that salespeople are simply…
The sales environment has experienced major changes in recent years.…
Talent management is probably the most discussed topic among current HR…
The time of New Year's resolutions including career goals for the coming…
Coaching is currently one of the most popular methods of employee…