Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Four tips on making a good first impression

Whether you are a long-term team leader or an aspiring manager, the ability to maintain good relations with people around you (be they colleagues, subordinates or…

If you want to become a respected manager, you should have these six traits

Do you want to be a successful entrepreneur or manager? Do you want to…

How to beat procrastination once and for all

Does it happen to you that you get stuck on a relatively minor task and…

A manager must stay positive in any situation. How to do this?

A manager's qualities are best shown not when all is going well but…

A universally valid guide on breaking a bad habit once and for all

Are you aware of bad habits you want to get rid of? Have you already tried…

A step-by-step personal development plan for employees

Personal development of employees is one of the key tasks of a manager.…

How to become a truly inspiring leader and motivate subordinates

One of the key tasks of any team leader is motivation of subordinates – and…

The art of delegating work: how to do it quickly and efficiently

Delegation of work, namely distribution of your own tasks among…

Six relaxation techniques that help alleviate stress

Do you get stressed out? Do you feel you should work more on mental…

Four signs of non-sustainable leadership

Managers demonstrate their qualities especially in the long run since a…

How to sound more professional: learn to omit filler words

"Hmm", "I mean", "like", "uh": all these are typical filler words and many…

The most common mistakes made by new managers

Becoming a manager and leading a team is a big challenge. A manager has a…

Google wants employees back in the office. Is this the right decision?

Google employees are returning to the office. At least partially. They are…

Listing 495 to 507 out of 3342