Manager – management news

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Some reasons why every manager should be a reader

There are numerous studies that show regular reading has a positive effect on a person's cognitive functions, mental skills and creativity. This article will explain…

A good manager must be able to deal with unpleasant topics. Here are some tips on how to do it

A manager is there not just to lead a team when all is well and there are…

Do you lack self-confidence? Five tips on what to do about it

Even the best ever manager with amazing technical and communication skills…

Four things a manager who feels overwhelmed should do

A management position often brings psychologically challenging, stressful…

How to learn to negotiate and leave every meeting as a winner

Negotiation is a process in which you need to find a compromise between two…

An end to boring meetings; or, Ensuring meetings are genuinely effective

For many teams, the word "meeting" is synonymous with boredom, futility and…

Be a long-term successful manager thanks to these seven tips

What makes a manager successful? How can you maintain long-term success and…

Learn to handle acute stress and prevent burnout

In most cases, being in a management position causes stress. If there are…

Five habits to boost energy and help increase your productivity

Do you sometimes feel you lack energy? Do you want to increase your…

Three very common mistakes in setting up team goals

Every manager should know that setting up specific and clearly defined…

How to improve your team's productivity within a short time

Team productivity and success are always subject to a team working…

Six tricks in communication used by inspiring leaders

What makes a leader genuinely successful? It is mostly their ability to…

Three rules to help beat procrastination

Procrastination, namely the postponing of duties, avoiding work and…

Listing 469 to 481 out of 3342