Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Can you say no?

The art of saying no is very important in a managerial practice. In the opposite case, you can end up spending more time on other people's tasks than on your own…

What you should never say to your subordinates

A good manager should know not only what to say to his subordinates to…

Six Thinking Hats

Six Thinking Hats (Six thinking hats) is the name of a practical decision-…

Can you keep your mouth shut?

Can you keep your mouth shut?

At meetings, are you the first one to take the floor? Do you overlook…

What will a bad boss never say?

Have you ever worked for a boss whose attitude undermined the ability of…

10 statements your boss really does not want to hear

Most people are aware of the fact that good relations with superiors are…

Have you already tried reverse brainstorming?

If you are looking for a way to find more creative ideas than using…

Are you able to disagree?

The opportunity to express dissent at the workplace is very important in…

Are you destroying your people's morale?

Most managers sincerely try to create a pleasant working environment in…

Use negative feedback as a career advantage

Receiving negative feedback is challenging no matter how far we have…

Konference Konkurenční výhoda v klubu SaSaZu

What should every leader know about his subordinates?

If you are asking yourself this question, try to get inspired by the…

How to take advantage of a slow day at work

We all occasionally have days at work when there is less to do than usual.…

Can lying in the workplace be acceptable?

Everyone does not tell the truth at work from time to time. We exaggerate…

Listing 2952 to 2964 out of 3342