Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

The most common mistakes managers make when managing people

Managers and the way they are able to manage their subordinates shape how the company runs. All managers should therefore value people, be interested in two-way…

Motivating creative employees: Reward both successes and failures

Managing creative staff is not the same as managing employees on a…

Why do your salespeople fail?

Why do your salespeople fail?

Not only the salespeople themselves, but also the managers of sales teams…

Hard work does not have to result in burnout

Hard work does not have to result in burnout

Stress is a regular part of everyday work. But that is why we should not…

Ten rules for successful change management

Ten rules for successful change management

1. Find a change leader Clearly define who is responsible for making the…

Managing projects remotely

Many project teams work together remotely these days. This has many…

13 tips on how to improve in your work in 2013

Have you entered the new year with the desire to improve in your work? Then…

Why do newly promoted managers fail?

Youve been promoted to manager and you probably enjoy greater powers. But…

Even you can work more efficiently

If you ask an office worker what steals most his time at work, he will…

How to help an employee in a personal crisis

Your employees also have their private lives, which cannot always be one…

I am a bad boss but it's not my fault...

Many managers are aware of their shortcomings but don't attach them to…

Where to improve this year? Maybe in communication

Whatever field we are working in, our interpersonal skills have a major…

Top 10 articles on Management News in 2012

What managerial topics stirred the world - or at least the Czech Republic -…

Listing 2978 to 2990 out of 3342