Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

What to say when a conflict arises?

Conflicts in teams are inevitable and each manager should take them as opportunities for discussion and creative problem solving. However, this is easier said than…

Tips for better remote team work

Tips for better remote team work

The teams that work remotely have been experiencing declining productivity…

How to survive a bad boss

Most people meet a bad boss during their careers. Losing energy by becoming…

Do you know your goals?

If we want to succeed, we must have specific goals. We must know exactly…

When should you pick up the phone?

When should you pick up the phone?

E-mail, chat, instant messaging tools or text messages are quite quickly…

How do you annoy your subordinates?

Not even the managers, who have a long career history in their field, are…

How do you make your colleagues angry?

When you should answer the question about which behavior of your colleagues…

11 steps to a healthier office work

A healthier behaviour at work is not so difficult as it might seem at first…

Mentor does not tell people what to do

Being a mentor to somebody is not only an honor but mainly a…

Mediation inspiration for managers

Mediation is a conflict resolution method that uses an independent mediator…

8 Steps to everyday development of the sales team

Successful sales organizations do not limit training of their sales staff…

5 things you should know about career

5 things you should know about career

Career is mostly a more demanding process than we imagine when we move from…

Look before you call a meeting

Think about how many times you have complained at least to yourself that…

Listing 2926 to 2938 out of 3342