Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Employee fraud: what is it usually about?

Do you know what to expect in cases of losses caused by internal fraud? Internal controls can help mitigate the risk of fraud taking place. On the other hand, these…

Typology of chief innovation officers (2/2)

The previous article described how innovation-focused top managers are by…

Two basic questions regarding any universal basic income experiment

A minimum income guaranteed by the government is a concept which is being…

Typology of chief innovation officers (1/2)

Do you know that there are several different types of chief innovation…

Breathe new life into old content

In order to maximise the effect of your blog posts (either on the company…

Algorithms in hiring: Biases are often a remnant of the past (2/2)

The previous article described how abandoning algorithms in favour of human…

Advice for dual-career couples

If both partners in a relationship have a demanding career, it is difficult…

Algorithms in hiring: Biases are often a remnant of the past (1/2)

Algorithms are blamed by many for making decisions based on biases and…

Family firms: Transferring power (2/2)

The previous article explained how, in order to maintain friendly familial…

Family firms: Transferring power (1/2)

Succession planning is a critical challenge for almost every family…

Is there a need for a chief liquidity officer? (2/2)

The previous article suggested that the treasury should take on a more…

IT security: Do you also believe these misconceptions?

Don’t be a victim of some common misconceptions regarding IT security.

Is there a need for a chief liquidity officer? (1/2)

Many CFOs focus mainly on minimising operational risk. At the same time,…

Listing 131 to 143 out of 987