Human resources – HR news

Článek v rámci předplatného icon HR and marketing should work more closely

"HR and marketing, as business functions, have a lot more in common than might be apparent at first glance," writes Andy Bird, co-founder of the British company…

icon Secondary school graduates wanted for administravite jobs, university graduates in IT

In 2011, the total number of job offers published on the Czech job portal…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon 12 tips for sending employees abroad in 2012

What can multinational companies do to align their policies for sending…

Pitfalls of filling managerial positions

icon Pitfalls of filling managerial positions

Filling managerial posts involve many dangers. The first one is the…

Trends in employer branding for 2012

icon Trends in employer branding for 2012

Brett Minchington, the CEO of Employer Brand International, took part in…

icon Britain relies on contributions for employment of young people

Up to £2,257 for each newly recruited employee aged 18 to 24 years.…

What never to say when terminating an employee

icon What never to say when terminating an employee

Firing employees is hard but it is always harder to be fired. HR should…

Why do you lose high-quality job seekers?

icon Why do you lose high-quality job seekers?

You offer great jobs in great company with great financial rewards and your…

The most critical problems of job interviews

Článek v rámci předplatného icon The most critical problems of job interviews

"After studying and researching interviews for over 40 years, I find it…

How is career transformation going on?

Článek v rámci předplatného icon How is career transformation going on?

A person who (voluntarily or involuntarily) leaves one career to get…

icon Czech Ministry of Labour to launch new system of providing information on vacancies

Czech employers no longer have to report job vacancies to the public…

icon Most vacancies in Czech companies opened for IT specialists

In 2011, the Czech online job site published by 38% more job…

icon What specialists should be promoted to managerial roles?

The career development of technical specialists is still a current HR…

Listing 742 to 754 out of 784