Are you thinking about automation of the talent management system in your company? Then think carefully beforehand about what solution to choose. Current studies… published an interview with Jana Skalkova, Senior specialist from…
Employees in Western Europe have the greatest amount of statutory paid…
Professional social network LinkedIn has now more than 135 million users…
While in 2008 one quarter of Czech employees had received the thirteenth…
67 percent of Czech companies have no women in their statutory bodies. 14…
While 2011 was the year of social media, 2012 will be the year of the…
Global labour market for managers and professionals holds up well despite…
Automotive industry is one of the sectors strongly affected by the…
The question of how HR managers can build effective relationships with…
Vienna in the city with the best standard of living in the world. The…
QR codes are two-dimensional square-shaped codes allowing rapid…
At the end of October 2011, professor Dave Ulrich, one of the world's most…