Human resources – HR news

icon Study: Most Europeans expect more work-related stress

Most European workers struggle with the increasing levels of work-related stress. That is the main finding of the second annual research titled European Opinion…

Britain: Women are catching up men

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Britain: Women are catching up men

Although women in the UK generally earn 9.1% less than men, it is not true…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Facebook: Do not give your passwords to employers

Erin Egan, Facebook's Chief Privacy Officer, asked users not to reveal…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon U.S.: Employers force job applicants to reveal their Facebook passwords

Given the current mass use of social networks, recruiters increasingly…

icon Czech republic: Average wage in 2011

The Q4 2011 average gross monthly nominal wage in the Czech Republic…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Study: What a business savvy HR professional knows

At the recent HR Business Partner Conference in London, the British…

Study: Every third employee does not feel psychologically safe at work

icon Study: Every third employee does not feel psychologically safe at work

Employers should focus more on the mental health of their employees. This…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Number of "working poor" in Germany increases

Despite the global economy slowdown, Germany has been enjoying a robust…

icon Slovak women earn a fifth less than men

The average monthly salary of the Slovak men is € 988, women earn &…

HR živě 23.2.2012 - diskusní skupina Interní koučink

icon HR Live: How to implement and develop internal coaching

Internal coaching can save big money for external coaches. But how does a…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Record growth in the number of women on boards in British companies

Number of women on boards of the largest companies listed on the London…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Study: Earnings of male and female managers in Europe

Women in management positions in Europe earn up to 22% less than men. In…

European Commission launched public consultation to achieve balanced representation of women and men in board positions

icon European Commission launched public consultation to achieve balanced representation of women and men in board positions

One year after EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding called for self-…

Listing 573 to 585 out of 664