Human resources – HR news

icon Transforming HR - who, what how and why

How to build a model of successful HR transformation in an organization? What values to follow and what criteria to choose? These questions were answered by Dave…

icon Can HR be agile?

The concept of agile HR is based on the popular concept of agile software…

icon Study: Europe lacks skills yet restricts investments in employee development

Despite the continuing skills shortage, 86% of European employers have…

icon Career management Michelin style

"Paternalistic" approach to career management giving employees a very…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon How to involve social media in benefits communication

Social media facilitate communication with employees on a range of topics…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Talent pipeline launched by LinkedIn

LinkedIn, the world's largest professional social network, announced the…

icon Eurostat: Hourly labour cotst in the Czech Republic the ninth lowest in the EU

The average hourly labour costs in the European Union reached €23.1…

icon 20 mistakes of HR metrics

At least in the last decade, HR departments in companies around the world…

icon Above-average enarnings in the Czech republic only in Prague

Czechs working in Prague eanr the most in the whole country. Compared with…

icon Study: British companies support corporate education using tablets

The era of projectors and desktop PCs as tools for interactive digital…

Jörg Petzold

icon The fight for talent is getting harder and the talent crisis will survive the economic crisis

Even in the current economic crisis, companies strongly complain about the…

icon Study: Two-thirds of employees think about leaving their jobs

66% of global workforce is going to seek a career elsewhere than at the…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Study: Women make up only 3% of board members in Germany's largest companies

Pressure to involve more women in top management of German companies is…

Listing 547 to 559 out of 664