Human resources – HR news

Článek v rámci předplatného icon How to find the next Steve Jobs and what to offer him

How can your company find, develop and retain creative people with the potential to become the next Steve Jobs? This question is discussed in the book titled Finding…

icon LinkedIn to charge for mass mailings in discussion groups

Sending mass mailings to members of discussion groups on the LinkedIn…

icon Hire a fake HR professional to find the best managers

You are certainly well of aware of this. Candidates for management…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon 5 tips for hiring in 2014

The New Year is an ideal opportunity to reflect on your professional…

icon 10 talent management commandments for 2014

Most managers responsible for talent management in companies are trying to…

icon Funny stories from job interviews

Let's end the year with an article reminding HR professionals about the "…

icon Most demanded skills on LinkedIn in 2013

The LinkedIn professional social network has now more than 259 million…

Global HR trends for 2014

icon Global HR trends for 2014

What trends will determine the direction of human resources management in…

icon How will recruitment change in the next ten years?

How will recruitment look in circa 2020-2025? Lou Adler, an American expert…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon How will recruitment change in the next ten years?

How will recruitment look in circa 2020-2025? Lou Adler, an American expert…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon LinkedIn: Most common clichés in online CVs in 2013

The LinkedIn professional social network has now more than 259 million…

icon Study: Using HR data in corporate business decisions

Only one in three companies uses the data obtained during recruitment or…

icon Study: Women, men and working conditions in Europe

Access to the labor market, the structure of jobs and related working…

Listing 352 to 364 out of 662