Human resources – HR news

icon 10 steps to undermine HR authority in a company

HR departments, similarly to other departments, have their own set of unwritten rules and patterns of behavior. HR professionals usually do not even notice them…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Recruiting former employees: How to hire the "boomerangs" (2/2)

In the first part of our article on so-called boomerang programmes aimed at…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Recruiting former employees: Why to hire the "boomerangs" (1/2)

The best source of high-performing new hires are recommendations made by…

icon The end of traditional job postings?

Zappos, the online retailer, employing approximately 1,500 people, selling…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon LinkedIn starts to aggregate job offers

LinkedIn has begun aggregating job offers from (as yet) U.S. employers. It…

icon Study: What is the price of bad employees?

The inability or unwillingness of employees to retrain and acquire new…

icon Study: 4 reasons for greater cooepration between HR and finance

80% of financial and human resources directors are of the opinion that they…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Using video job descriptions (2/2): Implementation

Is the use of video in job advertising only a passing fad? John Sullivan,…

icon Is Ulrich out of date?

Ulrich Comes of Age. This is the title of a study undertaken by the British…

icon Using video job descriptions (1/2): Advantages

Online video is a powerful communication tool for both employers and job…

icon Legacy of Don Kirkpatrick

Donald L. Kirkpatrick, the author of a globally successful concept, a four-…

icon How a Chief HR Officer affects the bottom line

Bertrand Dussert works for Oracle, as a HR transformation and executive…

icon Study: 7 Steps to greater employee engagement

The last year's Gallup study entitled State of the Global Workplace, which…

Listing 313 to 325 out of 664