Human resources – HR news

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Facebook plans to accommodate employees

Dissatisfied with the lack of infrastructure in Silicon Valley, Facebook is planning to construct its own village for employees in the area of its headquarters in…

icon Business stands and falls with culture

Current trends may create the impression that a strong corporate culture is…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Facebook hires people according to their way of thinking

Facebook is a worldwide phenomenon. It is one of the most successful…

icon Corporate culture is not just blather

The fact that a company claims to have a noble mission and values does not…

icon Facebook: Engagement is a matter of pride

Employee engagement has recently been one of the most frequently discussed…

icon Why and how to look for a cultural fit

If you take company culture seriously, then you should seek hires that fit…

icon High time to establish a coaching culture

Coaching is currently doing very well in organisations throughout the…

Photo: Starbucks Newsroom

Článek v rámci předplatného icon US companies under pressure of President Trump's immigration ban

Starbucks, operating more than 25,000 coffee shops in 75 countries,…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Marketing lessons for HR people

HR professionals and marketers now have a common battlefield: the Internet…

icon What you should know before making important decisions

Rozhodnout v klíčových situacích, které mohou citelně ovlivnit vaši práci…

icon 5 pillars of effective talent development

Companies' interest in finding and keeping the best and most talented…

icon Hootsuite: Benefits alone can't keep talent

The Hootsuite company was founded in 2008 when the Canadian programmer Ryan…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon What company culture is all about

Dont think that strategy is everything: the fact is that your company…

Listing 66 to 78 out of 249