Successful sellers are often offered promotion to sales managers roles. Such a promotion is, however, not always desirable. Just because someone is good in sales does not automatically mean that he will be good at management. If you want know whether a managerial career is the right one for you, consider whether your actions and desires correspond to the following requirements.
You enjoy teaching and coaching your colleagues to be successful.
You enjoy planning to meet annual sales targets.
Are you happy when to see others being praised for their achievements.
Strategic solutions to the various situations in the sales team are on of you strengths.
Colleagues turn to you for advice and motivation.
You imagine what markets your company should enter and how to do it.
You enjoy working with the marketing on campaigns for customer acquisition.
You would like to become a member of senior management to have a greater impact on the success of the company.
You are disciplined and organized.
Money is not your primary motivator. You are motivates by your company's success and the growth of its clients.