Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Do you really know who is introvert and extrovert?

Introverts do not like people and extroverts can't listen. If you believe in these myths, the following article is intended for you. The difference between these two…

Confirmed: A cluttered desk encourages creativity

Order is for idiots; intelligent people can master chaos! Have you ever…

How to talk about uncomfortable things in the workplace

Time to time, every manager has to face the unpleasant duty of dealing with…

Who should be banished from your meetings?

You have done everything possible to prepare a meeting. You have put…

How to deal with troublemakers

The statistics are clear – If you spend time doing presentations and…

"It is not my fault ..."

Of course, we are not always able to do everything according to our own …

Do not underestimate physical preparation for presentations

Before an important presentation, most people concentrate on what they will…

Can you sell yourself?

Surely, you have gained many interesting experiences during your…

How to manage employee during his personal crisis

Whether you have five or fifty employees under your supervision, you always…

The most common mistakes you do not know you are making

Everyone at the beginning of a new job or position is very careful about…

Dealing with perfectionists

Perfectionists at work are very easily identified. They devote themselves…

Are you an inspiration for your team?

Do your employees go to work with enthusiasm or are they always complaining…

Etiquette in professional relationships - Do not pull out someone's chair

Etiquette is an important part of building professional relationships. You…

Listing 2757 to 2769 out of 3343