Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

How to handle stressful situations effectively

Insomnia, irritability, palpitations, panic attacks, stomach cramps, excessive smoking ... Stress is a tricky phenomenon. While it motivates some to higher…

What is the purpose of your feedback?

Your direct subordinate did not deliver information on time to the client,…

3 p.m.? Take a nap

You'll probably think we've gone crazy if it's a weekday and you're right…

Proven techniques to increase your memory capacity

The more responsibility for projects and teams you have the more names,…

How to excel in conversation with difficult people

They get angry easily, it is hard to ask them for something, they complain,…

Forget the work-life balance. Better to integrate it

Is it unthinkable that you can build a promising career while living a…

Do you have a leader's instinct?

The word "leader" is so widely used that it could seem that there are only…

The paradox of a creative individual

No, this is not a physics or astronomical phenomenon. We are still moving…

A key employee has left. Now what?

In a recent article, we discussed how to behave when a key employee gives…

Good leaders are not pessimists

Optimists tend to live healthier and happier lives. They are also more…

Richard Páleník

Between "good" and "excellent" lies the class difference

Is it enough for the big companies to be fair, courteous and professional…

Your employee gives his notice. What next?

When a member of your team gives you his notice, it may be a relief.…

Managers, take a rest!

Everyone needs time off or a vacation; in other words, just to get some…

Listing 2744 to 2756 out of 3343