Manager – management news

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Four tips on motivating subordinates to study

Sooner or later, people who do not educate themselves will miss the boat. This is true on both an individual and team level. As a manager, you should always try to…

Starting a new managerial position? Five tips on overcoming nervousness

Doubts and nervousness are perfectly normal reactions when starting any new…

Three signs a subordinate is at high risk of burnout

One of a manager's main tasks is to create a healthy work environment that…

How do you lead your team successfully through a major change or transformation?

The strength and skills of a leader show especially in critical and dynamic…

Mistakes people most often make when preparing a to-do-list

Have your working day planned and prepare a to-do list: this tip is the one…

Five reasons why a manager needs healthy self-confidence

A person who has no confidence in themselves and no faith in their skills…

Impostor syndrome: what is it and why do so many managers suffer from it?

You may have come across this term before. Impostor syndrome is a problem…

Four reasons why managers should welcome questions from subordinates

The idea the manager is the one who knows best and gives orders to their…

Four tips on leading a culturally diverse team

Leading a team that is diverse in the sense that its members come from…

Do you want to build healthy habits? Here is how to do it

Bad habits are easy to build as they seem to develop on their own and are…

What does a team need to be successful in the long term?

As a manager, you want your team to thrive long term. What actually makes a…

Digital detox: a cure even top managers benefit from

We live in an over-informed age. News, advertisements, information, videos,…

How to manage millennials and retain them in your team

Millennials are people born in the 1980s and 1990s, so they are now roughly…

Listing 235 to 247 out of 3342