Manager – management news

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Five tips to boost your confidence in just a few days

A manager without healthy self-esteem is like a diver without an air tank. Of course, this does not mean that managers must be completely immune to stress, spleen or…

Unconventional tricks to improve both your own and your subordinates' productivity

Do you want to increase your productivity? Do you want to concentrate more,…

Four fatal managerial mistakes that make subordinates hate their boss

No manager is perfect and each one of them occasionally makes mistakes. But…

Succeeding in your career but still unhappy? Some tips to consider

For many people, success in life is linked to their career. Work plays an…

Seven tips on keeping your time and productivity under control

Everyone's job consists of more or less routine, almost automatic tasks,…

The cost of giving subordinates too little attention or even neglecting them

It does not pay for managers to devote too little time and energy to their…

Five tips on how managers can avoid loss of motivation and burnout

Managerial positions have a high risk of burnout. Why? Because being a…

Four tips on improving your emotional intelligence and becoming a better manager

Emotional intelligence indicates to what extent an individual is able to…

How to set up long-term goals for your team that they will really be able to achieve

There is an art to setting goals that are achievable but at the same time…

A few good reasons why you should encourage your subordinates to take breaks

The notion of the ideal worker as a workaholic, toiling endlessly without…

Raise new sales aces in your team in three steps

Good salespeople do not just appear randomly. Although genetic…

Are you an average manager? Here is how to become an excellent one

There are not many truly great managers who are able to help their team…

Five underrated tips for managers

Being a good manager requires experience, hard work and theoretical…

Listing 222 to 234 out of 3342